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Article: The Connection Campaign

The Connection Campaign

The Connection Campaign

We all know how animals can help us maintain a positive mindset and particularly for us equestrian lovers, seeing our horses can really help highlight the joys of life! In our world of horses, we all share the same passion and love for one thing; these incredibly majestic and beautiful living creatures.  

Horses can provide a form of escapism to us all. The act of leaving your daily routine, mucking out the stables and tacking up your horse, are all part of the journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Connecting with your horse can make you feel closer to nature, and you will feel your best self. These gentle giants can help us learn so much about ourselves, and every experience just feels timeless. 

At Rönner, our aim is to create pieces that epitomize this way of life, this feeling and emotion that comes from being around horses.  

Because we share the love for horses, we would love to spread this passion and the positive feelings horses have invigorate in us. We think it can be very uplifting and motivational during times when many need and value the sense of connection, nature and meaning. We believe and hope this campaign will talk to many hearts around the world and put many smiles on your faces!. We really can’t wait to continue sharing the love for horses and hearing the different experiences #rönnergirls have with you! 

We would love to include every #Rönnergirl in this campaign, so please do share your unique experiences and how your horse brings you joy. Tell us about your bond you have created so beautifully with your unique horse. 

We have asked some of our #Rönnergirls for their opinions, read on to hear the incredible connections they have established and nurtured with their horses. It's your turn to join in! 

Monica Marinello | @salty.spur

“Horses represent a true blessing to me. I have always felt very attracted to them, they give me peace and ease my mind without asking anything in return. I feel very thankful for being able to ride, especially during this global emergency situation. Horses help me to disconnect from the rest of the world and be fully present in the moment, without stressing about other things. They teach us humans a lot: they are powerful and gentle at the same time, you can make a different experience with each horse you spend time with and you will grow a lot on a personal level.”

Emma Booth | @emmabooth_paraequestrian

"As someone in a wheelchair who is physically limited by their body 24/7, horses become my legs and give me the freedom of movement I otherwise wouldn’t have. It is the most uplifting feeling that gives me hope and strength! 

The connection you are able to create with your equestrian partner is unlike any other relationship you can ever imagine! My horse, Zidane is always looking after me and gets as much joy when working together as what I do."

Helena Ortega | @helenadressage

“When I’m around my horses I feel myself, I feel free and complete. I think many times what will I do without horses and it’s impossible to answer because happiness will not be complete, something will always be missing. Have a lovely day!! Xxx.

 Isabella Miranda | @isabellamir_equ

"Horses are my happy place, they bring out the best of me. They make me feel empowered, brave and connected to nature, every day they teach me new ways to love without the need to talk."

Lauren Raggio | @lolo_raggio

"What a lovely question. When I am around horses I feel at peace. All of my day-to-day worries and thoughts disappear and all that matters is the horse and I. I feel as if they are a part of me, it's in my DNA. Without horses, I feel an emptiness that can’t be satisfied by any other thing. Horses can’t speak, yet I can feel what they would say. Being around horses makes me feel whole."

Claudia Cumplido @claudiacumplido

"When I’m with horses I feel complete, they are my energy and my happiness. We are one, they listen to me and I feel them. What is more pleasant than a hot blow from a furry snout in the face? Or more beautiful than attentive ears when seeing you? I will never have as strong a connection as I have with my horses. Together we fight every day to achieve our goals, we live the good and the bad moments, we share the failures and the triumphs. Thanks to them, I improve myself every day, and they make me stronger."

Alexa Derr | @a_derrr

"I feel at home whenever I am around my horses. No matter what is going on in the world, they keep me grounded. They taught me what it means to be loved unconditionally and for that, I am so thankful and blessed."

Kateryna Downer | @kat_downer

"And how do horses make me feel: well, they make me a better person! They bring the best out of me and I want to learn and become a better version of myself when I’m with them. They help me to be patient, courageous, kind and loving, I learn something new with them every day."

 Alejandra Gonzalez | @aleparelipro

"Horses are my happy place! They are my friends, my teachers and my loved ones!"

Sara Panjevic | @saddlesnsass

"Around horses I feel humbled and at home. It is an indescribable feeling to have a bond and the respect of a 1000+ pound animal. There is a feeling of euphoria when things click with your equine partner."


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